Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby at 6 Weeks

Monday, November 9, 2009

Belly at 5 1/2 Weeks...Whoa!

How did this happen?!  Yesterday my belly seemed to 'pop.' I'm only 5 1/2 weeks! It doesn't look like much on the photo, but I feel huge already. I've been looking on the internet, and supposedly every pregnancy is different...some show after 4 weeks, some at 30 weeks. 
Are there twins in there....?
I haven't had much of an appetite. There aren't many foods which I want to eat. Most things just make me nautious if I think about them. Today I was really tired. I managed to clean the apartment, but had to take a nap afterwards. Kiki stayed with me the whole time! She's very attached to me since I got pregnant. 
Well, at this rate I'll have to buy maternity clothes soon. I wasn't expecting that!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Brownies for the Baby

OK, I admit...the brownies were for me! I was craving them and baked up a batch. I figure I am eating very healthy 90% of the time, and taking my vitamins...so a brownie here and there won't hurt. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feeling Better, Mostly

I feel pretty good today; morning sickness was very faint and I wasn't extremely tired today. I had awful nightmares and woke up worried about my baby, hoping it's staying with us. I read that it's very common for women in the first trimester to worry alot. But I am trying to have positive thoughts as much as possible; I think of all the things I'm grateful for, and all the people I love, and all the blessings in my life. 
Ruth, my sister in law who is one month ahead of me in her pregnancy, had her eight-week ultrasound today, and she said it was amazing. She saw the form of the baby, and it's heart beating rapidly. It's 2 centimeters long and in great condition. I was so happy for her, and it got me excited about my nine-week check up! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby At 5 Weeks

Little One's heart, about the size of a poppy seed, has begun to beat!

Pregnancy Survey, Week 5

How far along?: 5 weeks
Total weight gain: None yet!
How big is Baby?: Little One is about the size of an apple seed.
Maternity clothes?: -
Stretch marks?: -
Sleep?: Need lots of it right now, especially in the morning. I get my second wind around noon.
Best moment this week?: Ramon telling me he is excited.
Movement?: -
Food cravings?: Olives and chocolate. 
What I miss: My homemade Chai Lattes. Supposedly it's OK to drink one serving of caffeine a day, but I don't want to risk it.
What I'm looking forward to: I can't wait for the nine-week check up when we will see the baby. Time seems to be going so slowly now!
Milestone: Getting the positive pregnancy tests!

Gifts from Angelica!


Today a wonderful package arrived from Angelica. What a treat on this cold rainy day!
It was such a lovely surprise.

Along with a beautiful card came this tape measurer, for measuring my growing belly! I'll definitely be using this, and adding the measurements to the photos of my belly. What a cool idea!

AND, look at this! A cuddly, soft pillow that plays a lullaby for your unborn baby! You lay it against your tummy and pull the cord, and comfort your little one while it's still inside. Then, when they finally arrive, you can play it to them when it's sleepy time. 

Great gifts, Angelica! And so thoughtful of you! Thanks so much, you made my day.


Monday, November 2, 2009

First Check-Up!

Just back from the doctor's office! 
All is well. We saw the little dot that is quickly forming into a baby, though I am still very early. My next check-up is scheduled for December 7th, in 5 weeks, when I am 9 weeks pregnant. Then we will be able to see much much more! We will also find out at that time if I am carrying one baby or two.
It's incredible how different I feel even though I look the same. My body is going through so much. This morning my breakfast almost came up! My breasts have never hurt this much, and I am running to go pee about every hour.
Ramon is such an amazing husband, I'm falling even MORE in love with him now, which I didn't think possible. He is so understanding, so excited, so positive. I always knew he was a wonderful person, and that he would make an outstanding father; but now it's getting more and more apparant.

Belly at 4 1/2 Weeks

Many more of these to come. I'll be taking a photo every week. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here I Am...Good And Pregnant!

I keep swinging between hardly believing it, and feeling like I've already been pregnant for a long time. I am extremely sleepy, and every time I lie down I think of the tiny baby growing inside, the size of an appleseed now, and I talk to it in my head, asking it to stay, telling it how happy we are that they are here. 
Today is my first appointment with the doctor, a woman named Doctor Inge Frech. She's a private doctor in Purkersdorf and I'm hopeful that she will be perfect to have taking care of me and my baby these next nine months. Ramon will be meeting me there, at 3 o'clock, and we're both very curious and excited. What will she say? Will we see or hear anything?
I'll let you all know how it went!


On October 26th, we were surprised with this faint line...the first sign of the little one growing inside of me.

I took a second test on October 28th, and this lovely dark line appeared. Our baby is doing well!