Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feeling Better, Mostly

I feel pretty good today; morning sickness was very faint and I wasn't extremely tired today. I had awful nightmares and woke up worried about my baby, hoping it's staying with us. I read that it's very common for women in the first trimester to worry alot. But I am trying to have positive thoughts as much as possible; I think of all the things I'm grateful for, and all the people I love, and all the blessings in my life. 
Ruth, my sister in law who is one month ahead of me in her pregnancy, had her eight-week ultrasound today, and she said it was amazing. She saw the form of the baby, and it's heart beating rapidly. It's 2 centimeters long and in great condition. I was so happy for her, and it got me excited about my nine-week check up!