Monday, November 2, 2009

First Check-Up!

Just back from the doctor's office! 
All is well. We saw the little dot that is quickly forming into a baby, though I am still very early. My next check-up is scheduled for December 7th, in 5 weeks, when I am 9 weeks pregnant. Then we will be able to see much much more! We will also find out at that time if I am carrying one baby or two.
It's incredible how different I feel even though I look the same. My body is going through so much. This morning my breakfast almost came up! My breasts have never hurt this much, and I am running to go pee about every hour.
Ramon is such an amazing husband, I'm falling even MORE in love with him now, which I didn't think possible. He is so understanding, so excited, so positive. I always knew he was a wonderful person, and that he would make an outstanding father; but now it's getting more and more apparant.