Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here I Am...Good And Pregnant!

I keep swinging between hardly believing it, and feeling like I've already been pregnant for a long time. I am extremely sleepy, and every time I lie down I think of the tiny baby growing inside, the size of an appleseed now, and I talk to it in my head, asking it to stay, telling it how happy we are that they are here. 
Today is my first appointment with the doctor, a woman named Doctor Inge Frech. She's a private doctor in Purkersdorf and I'm hopeful that she will be perfect to have taking care of me and my baby these next nine months. Ramon will be meeting me there, at 3 o'clock, and we're both very curious and excited. What will she say? Will we see or hear anything?
I'll let you all know how it went!