Monday, November 9, 2009

Belly at 5 1/2 Weeks...Whoa!

How did this happen?!  Yesterday my belly seemed to 'pop.' I'm only 5 1/2 weeks! It doesn't look like much on the photo, but I feel huge already. I've been looking on the internet, and supposedly every pregnancy is different...some show after 4 weeks, some at 30 weeks. 
Are there twins in there....?
I haven't had much of an appetite. There aren't many foods which I want to eat. Most things just make me nautious if I think about them. Today I was really tired. I managed to clean the apartment, but had to take a nap afterwards. Kiki stayed with me the whole time! She's very attached to me since I got pregnant. 
Well, at this rate I'll have to buy maternity clothes soon. I wasn't expecting that!