Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pregnancy Survey, Week 5

How far along?: 5 weeks
Total weight gain: None yet!
How big is Baby?: Little One is about the size of an apple seed.
Maternity clothes?: -
Stretch marks?: -
Sleep?: Need lots of it right now, especially in the morning. I get my second wind around noon.
Best moment this week?: Ramon telling me he is excited.
Movement?: -
Food cravings?: Olives and chocolate. 
What I miss: My homemade Chai Lattes. Supposedly it's OK to drink one serving of caffeine a day, but I don't want to risk it.
What I'm looking forward to: I can't wait for the nine-week check up when we will see the baby. Time seems to be going so slowly now!
Milestone: Getting the positive pregnancy tests!